Limited Time Offer!

Learn to build your dream life and accelerate your transformation to a life of freedom, fun, and fulfillment in 2013 and beyond!


Dear Friend,

Are you ready to get clear on what you really want and live the life of your dreams?

If so, I have a great offer for you! I will take you through Dream Builder Essentials, a 12-week teleseminar where you will get clear on your vision and passion and learn to be, do and have what you want for a life of freedom, fun, and fulfillment. I will guide like-minded professionals through a process for learning to achieving their dreams.

During this high content, high value course, you will learn to maintain mental focus, take persistent action, and achieve breakthrough results in record time. This course is for you if you are ready to get moving toward the career and the life of your dreams and you want structured support and accountability to simplify the process.

Are you:

Ready to step up and stand out for your success but are frustrated because you can’t figure out how to get what you really want?
Working hard yet are unable to achieve the success that you truly desire?
Wanting to do what you love and enjoy but you sacrifice what you want for pitching in to do what the boss, your team, or other people want?
Frustrated that you can’t make a difference in the work and for the people that truly matter to you?
Feeling controlled and restricted by your circumstance and you want more fun, more freedom and flexibility to enjoy your career and your life?


Because of your untapped desire and your current level of discontent, you need to learn to step up and stand out in your career in 2013 from wherever you are! You are likely in a job that is unfulfilling or you are frustrated or stressed by your current circumstance. And you want more… be it better relationships, more fulfillment money, more money, or enhanced health.

You may feel that life is getting away from you… This is because most of us never discover what our passion is nor are we living the life of our dreams because we simply do not know how to get what we want nor do we believe that we can have what we want in the first place.

So we get on the wrong path and then experience the stress, frustration, and pain of doing things that we dislike and find boring, difficult or worse yet … you dread going to work each day!

But know this: there is more out there for you, your own dream that delivers who you really are, your own uniqueness, for true success in your career and in your life.

I know because I have been where you are and I know the confusion and pain of living a life that drains your energy and leaves you wanting more…much more!

Today, my life is flourishing and I am filled with confidence, while having more fun and greater fulfillment in my life. By doing what I love and loving what I do!

So how did I get here?

From early on, I learned to work hard and meet the expectations of others. This kept me safe (or so I thought!) I wasn’t living the life of my dreams. I didn’t even know what my dreams were. I was too busy worrying about what other people thought and so I became superwomen trying to please everyone.

In my first job, right out of college, I had a job that paid well but did not fulfill me. I was not challenged though I was paid well and nothing bad was happening to me … but more importantly, nothing meaningful was happening for me either. In each succeeding job, some level of being unfulfilled continued…

Then I hit rock bottom. My job demanded every ounce of patience and focus to be what others wanted me to be. I was helping Senior Executives make strategic plans for the organization so there were a lot of expectations. As I worked hard to meet those expectations, I found it difficult to make true change so I became frustrated and felt lost. I felt like I was getting nowhere. And believe me I was working HARD! I left no stone unturned to figure it all out—I earned degrees (BS, MBA) and certifications (CPA and PMP) to prove myself to everyone.

The harder I worked the less fulfilled I was. After 5 years of working to develop my knowledge and abilities, I felt like NOTHING was happening for me. I was yearning for more.

Finally a small glimmer of hope came about. I had a coach who said to me. “Why ARE you there?” I thought “Hmmm… you mean I don’t HAVE to be there?”

Then I built upon that simple question. I realized that I needed to value me before anyone else would. I began to become aware. And then when I became frustrated by my ability to make a real difference, I thought “I can choose”… this was the FIRST time I made a real decision to chart my own course. That IF I followed my own unique path that I could find the true success that I was looking for. I made a decision that day to start my own company and shift my focus to the career that I wanted.

That decision led me to April 22, 2010 when I became a Mary Morrissey Life Mastery Consultant. And within months, I have the business that I have always wanted!

Today I am running a new Internet business that is growing as I am ... day-by-day.  And, I am who I am wherever I am!

What changed? I had several REAL problems that I was experiencing and I needed REAL solutions: And if you are stressed, frustrated, or unfulfilled in your job, there is a way out for you.

So how do you solve these problems?

The answer: You need an understanding of true success mind-set and success principles.

Success means focusing on the positives in the form of your dreams and your passion. You also learn when not to communicate and let things go. You become able to focus your attention on what truly matters as you become clear on your life’s vision, passion, values, and goals.

You focus your energy on TRUE Success: health, wealth, and happiness.

Wealth is the typical definition of success. But it is really is just one facet, that is why we see in headline after headline those with money and lives that are simply falling apart. They aren’t happy, and often we learn that they really aren’t healthy regardless of how slim or attractive they are.

So to define success we should really start with Happiness. We all want happiness. And, I think the one thing most people would agree on is that we can make up our minds to be happy. But where does happiness come from? What I have discovered during my leaps of faith is that happiness comes from the very thing that I was lacking in my life: self expression. Being able to fully express who I am was the key to my happiness for greater fulfillment and true authentic success. It is the most important thing you can do for your career: fully express your “I am.” This means you start to say: "I am a teacher, I am a coach, I am a doctor...". whatever your "I am" is!

Once you are able to be truly happy by fully expressing yourself and who you are, both health and wealth follow.

Now I am sharing this with you today because I am offering a 12-week telecourse called “Dream Builder Essentials” for just $1497—a course regularly valued at $2997.

Dream Builder Essentials with Crystal Davis

You have the option of 2 Dream Builder classes forming on the following days:

Wednesdays at 8pm EST / 5pm PST
Thursdays at 7pm EST / 4pm PST


In this 12-week telecourse, you will learn:

To Define Your Dream in Your Own Terms
How to take the First Steps and Build Momentum Toward Your Dream
How to Move Forward in the Presence of Fear to Achieve Your Dream
How to Release Limiting Beliefs that Hold You Back from Your Dream
Ways to Lower Your Stress and Find Greater Fulfillment While Achieving More
An understanding of universal laws for advancing confidently toward your dream, such as: The Law of Attraction, The Law of Receiving, The Law of Forgiveness…
And, much, much more!

The DreamBuilder Program Includes:

  • 16 Teaching CDs, 1 Meditation CD, Workbook

    The culmination of 30 years of study of the science of success, “The Dream Builder” is the perfect program for anyone who has a business they want to dramatically grow, a relationship they want to create or a BIG idea they want to turn into reality. Mary Morrissey gives you her simple yet powerful step-by-step formula for designing your dreams, and achieving HUGE results in HALF the time.
  • Instructor coaching for the duration of the program by me, Crystal Davis, Strategic Empowerment Specialist.

After working through the Dream Builder program with Crystal, I am so energized by the act of being loyal to myself that I changed jobs to join a new company nearer to my home!

My work with Crystal continues to lead me to greater heights – and for that I will be forever grateful!

~DANA RATTENBURY, Rattenbury Insurance Group, Insurance Products and Education for Women and Seniors, Pittsburgh PA

During my work with Crystal, I learned to relax and stop being too hard on myself as I work into my new business and related projects. It started with opening my mind up to the possibility of my dreams taking form as I held it with open hands and maintained the thinking of ‘this or something better’. Now I allow my projects to take shape and relax into them as I create the space for focused attention toward my dream. Ultimately, I continue to achieve my goals and move forward because I have stopped getting wrapped up in too many details or trying to control the how. After my work with Crystal, I am much freer and more optimistic about taking solid steps in the right direction for the life that I truly love living.

~PATTIE CRAUMER, Coach and Business Strategist, Great Falls MT

Before I started working with Crystal, I was majorly impaired at dreaming--I couldn't even imagine or pretend about a future that I wanted. I was completely stuck on thinking about my limitations and why I might not be able to do something. What I have realized is that it isn't about the can or can not's, but instead it is about what I WANT for my future. Crystal encouraged me throughout our time together to identify my strengths and passions; therefore, helping me to dream a future that I love and will be able to wake up to each day and think "I can't wait to start my day!" While working with Crystal, I have had many "aha" moments; and even the tiniest shift in thinking, sometimes I felt like I had moved a mountain.

~SHAWN MYER, Award Winning Sales Director and Massage Therapist, Morgantown WV


Why an Instructor-led coaching program?

Most people endeavor to set and achieve goals, while only 10% ever accomplish what they say they want. The successful 10% all have one thing in common: they find the inspiration and structured support that they need to help them achieve their goals. That is why success consulting is one of the largest growing professions in the world!

That is why as you explore and build your field of dreams, I will provide the additional support structures that you need to ensure that you succeed, which includes two get started classes.

Bonus #1

Receive 3 Months of Crystal's Success Club, weekly 30-minute calls to further support you in designing and manifesting your dream life. (A $90 value!) 

Bonus #2

You also have two Complimentary Individual Coaching Calls with me. These complimentary calls will be scheduled during the 12-week course until up to and including one month after the course ends! (A $600 value!)


ACT NOW, this is a one-time offer, seating is limited, and the first 10 people who register receive one 30 minute visioning session with Crystal (A $300 value!)

With the 50% price reduction for the course and these free bonuses, this course is your next best step to have what you want--a life of freedom, fun, and fulfillment!

So What Will It Be? Take time now to sign-up and begin building your field of dreams today!

Act now and you can attend my upcoming 12-week Building Your Field of Dreams telecourse at the low, low rate of $1497. This course is regularly valued at $2997 and as a fast-action bonus this course is also available at an EASY three-pay option of $547 per month.

Single Payment Option $1497
3-Payment Option $547


Crystal Davis
Your Strategic Empowerment Specialist

P.S. Remember, this is an introductory offer, so the price is likely to increase at any time. So don't delay, act now to get your hands on these exclusive offers.


Crystal Davis, MBA, LMC is a mentor, coach and speaker. She works with professionals who know they have a purpose yet they feel unable to express themselves and get what they really want--to achieve authentic success for a life of freedom, fun, and fulfillment.

After 17 years in the Departments of Treasury and Justice, Crystal left the six figure salary and “job security” behind to follow her passion, make her vision a reality, and achieve authentic success.

As a result of her journey, Crystal developed her signature system The Crystal Clear You Authentic Success Transformation System, including a 12 step transformation process that helps her clients see inside the black box of success and have the clarity they need to achieve their life’s vision.

Visit her for a free e-help series of e-mails: 7 Solutions to Move Beyond Self-Doubt and Express Who You Are.


Crystal Clear Solutions, LLC
P.O. Box 1368
Fairmont, WV 26554


©   2013 Crystal Clear Solutions, LLC